Juggling the demands of everyday life plus the additional demands of a young child is difficult for parents of all ages but young mums face a unique and daunting set of challenge.
Everything just changes,the friends you had kind of write you off in terms of what your potential is in life-people will love and support you when its beneficial.You cant blame them because that's exactly what the society does.
Often,when a very young lady gets pregnant,society gives up on them altogether.Some ascribe to those molds and live by those low expectations,others work extra hard to prove themselves.
One piece of advice that i would give to any young lady-particularly those that are either pregnant or have given birth already which in my opinion need this advise the most is,Don't let those circumstances break everything you have worked so hard to achieve.In my previous post i mentioned something quite interesting and important at the same time,forget about circumstances,create opportunities."when life gives you lemon,make lemonade"-cliche,yes but true to the last word.
Remember,your baby is a child of GOD not a child out of wedlock.I think we miss out on our dreams because people talk us out f them,talk us out of our real purpose for being on this earth.
As i read through one success story of a teenage mum,i came across a few hints and tips that i think will be beneficial o you as a young mum.
1.Don't quit school;it can be very difficult to juggle with time and financial constrains of schooling and a baby,but it will be worth it in the long run.An education can allow you to provide a better life for both yourself and your baby.2.Ask for help;"It takes a village to raise a child,"Draw on the knowledge and experience of other mums around you.Find advice,comfort and inspiration in those experiences.
It's hard to accomplish things alone,you can either fall into a crack or fall into a crater,but having people around you that can help and support you think things through is key
3.Get medical care for both of you,you can't look after your baby if you can't take care of yourself.
4.Calm down and take it easy-just enjoy this new tiny person as much as you can,they don't stay tiny for long.
5.Nurse your baby;Take the time to bond with your baby.Physical contact with your baby is so important for both of you.
6.Just try your best;Don't set the bar too high.Push yourself beyond your comfort zone,play your part wholeheartedly,where your strength ends is the place God begins,By Him you win.
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