you can grow flowers or you can grow weeds,you choice!
Good afternoon everyone!I trust that you are okay in the Lord and that your day is coming along nicely.

With each passing day,they continue to confine themselves by the walls they built themselves and fail to recognize that ray of sunshine that they direly need to keep going,that person-an enigma of sorts that makes life all the more interesting.
They let themselves drown in life but the truth of the matter is,whatever you are looking for is right there in front of you-YOUR BABY!(your baby should be your greatest motivation right now)
Don't dwell on what might have been or the chances that you missed.Focus on the most important thing right now which is our baby.I acquiesce,it was a shock that things turned out the way they did but you don't have to get stuck there,life goes on.
You will only survive the adversities and hard-knocks of life if you let the fire inside you burn brighter than the fire inside you.You must recognize,embrace and be honest about what is real for you today,only then will you be able to build the future of your dreams.

Your mind is your kingdom,dare to dream again.If you dream it,it is just an action away. Forget about circumstances,create opportunities.
If you are a bibliophile,i recommend this book-'The Game Changer' by pepe Minambo. Game changers are people,unlike everyone else, who follow their own set rules to achieve greatness.They break the status quo,follow their paths,believe in themselves and achieve outstanding results in the respective areas.
And to those who have finally found that niche and rose up,my congratulations are in order.
Congratulation for being a game changer
Congratulations for drawing strength from those people who have gone before you e.g your mum,mentor etc
Congratulations for rising beyond your expectations.
You are an outstanding mum with smiles of happy sunshine,arms of everlasting love,touch of sweet roses.
When i was a little girl,something my mum always emphasized to my siblings and me is that its never okay to be mediocre,she always motivated and encouraged us to chase after our dreams and i'm urging you to do the same.
So step out in faith,live life with gusto and decide to become unstoppable today.
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