Monday 16 May 2016


I have come across several young mums who pain a lot simply because the mere fact that they are mothers while probably still in high school or campus is a negative sight to behold by the society.
Truth be told,the society views this situation from the wrong end of the telescope.

With the rising cases of abortion witnessed across the country,you will agree with me that those that choose to go ahead and give birth despite the fact that their future seems oblique,despite the fact that they know too well that its not going to be easy but are willing to give it a shot,despite the fact that they know too well that they will play several important roles all at the same time,these very brave people take that risk and move on in life one step at a time.

these very brave people are disparaged by the society,the constant vilification,infantile utterances thrown to them by the rogues and neer'do'well if you ask me,defines no one else but those riff-raffs.
One thing the society particularly which spirals into the same hold stereotypical ideas(which in my case only perpetuates the cycle)should know is-much as it is easy to paint a picture of an uneducated,poverty-stricken young mother doomed for a life of misery as if they are emblazoned with a scarlet note symbolizing a lack of education and class,majority of young mothers out there aren't actually uneducated,instead they are balancing college or universities with work and motherhood at the same time BUT SUCCESSFUL!


I know it is painful but use that pain to earn success that will define you.
Don't throw in the towel,fight for  what you believe regardless of your age,class or social-economic class.Take little steps ,look forward and when you feel like you have gone no where/look back-you will see just how far you've come.
And remember,it is easy enough to be pleasant when life flows along like a song,but the man worthwhile is the one who will smile when everything goes dead wrong.


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