Friday 27 May 2016

                                   YOU'LL GET BY!

Juggling the demands of everyday life plus the additional demands of a young child is difficult for parents of all ages but young mums face a unique and daunting set of challenge.

Everything just changes,the friends you had kind of write you off in terms of what your potential is in life-people will love and support you when its beneficial.You cant blame them because that's exactly what the society does.

Often,when a very young lady gets pregnant,society gives up on them altogether.Some ascribe to those molds and live by those low expectations,others work extra hard to prove themselves.

One piece of advice that i would give to any young lady-particularly those that are either pregnant or have given birth already which in my opinion need this advise the most is,Don't let those circumstances break everything you have worked so hard to achieve.In my previous post i mentioned something quite interesting and important at the same time,forget about circumstances,create opportunities."when life gives you lemon,make lemonade"-cliche,yes but true to the last word.
Remember,your baby is a child of GOD not a child out of wedlock.I think we miss out on our dreams because people talk us out f them,talk us out of our real purpose for being on this earth.

As i read through one success story of a teenage mum,i came across a few hints and tips that i think will be beneficial o you as a young mum.

                                      TIPS AND HINTS

1.Don't quit school;it can be very difficult to juggle with time and financial constrains of schooling and a baby,but it will be worth it in the long run.An education can allow you to provide a better life for both yourself and your baby.

2.Ask for help;"It takes a village to raise a child,"Draw on the knowledge and experience of other mums around you.Find advice,comfort and inspiration in those experiences.
It's hard to accomplish things alone,you can either fall into a crack or fall into a crater,but having people around you that can help and support you think things through is key

3.Get medical care for both of you,you can't look after your baby if you can't take care of yourself.

4.Calm down and take it easy-just enjoy this new tiny person as much as you can,they don't stay tiny for long.

5.Nurse your baby;Take the time to bond with your baby.Physical contact with your baby is so important for both of you.

6.Just try your best;Don't set the bar too high.Push yourself beyond your comfort zone,play your part wholeheartedly,where your strength ends is the place God begins,By Him you win.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Greatly begin!!

                    you can grow flowers or you can grow weeds,you choice!                

Good afternoon everyone!I trust that you are okay in the Lord and that your day is coming along nicely. 

Often times,i am keen to talk to those young mums out there for the mere fact that they have in their possession the leaders of tomorrow.Sadly,most of these young mums aren't actually happy about the whole thing-instead they wallow in sorrow and have themselves a pity party.

With each passing day,they continue to confine themselves by the walls they built themselves and fail to recognize that ray of sunshine that they direly need to keep going,that person-an enigma of sorts that makes life all the more interesting.

They let themselves drown in life but the truth of the matter is,whatever you are looking for is right there in front of you-YOUR BABY!(your baby should be your greatest motivation right now)

Don't dwell on what might have been or the chances that you missed.Focus on the most important thing right now which is our baby.I acquiesce,it was a shock that things turned out the way they did but you don't have to get stuck there,life goes on.

You will only survive the adversities and hard-knocks of life if you let the fire inside you burn brighter than the fire inside you.You must recognize,embrace and be honest about what is real for you today,only then will you be able to build the future of your dreams.

You are probably looking ahead and your future seems oblique.This is because you are looking at it from the wrong end of the telescope, if you ask me.Dare to be creative-combine your intuition with your open mindedness and allow yourself to see things from unconventional perspectives.Be an idealist-have that incredibly resilient attitude and trust me, you will be more braced for the hurdles ahead.

Your mind is your kingdom,dare to dream again.If you dream it,it is just an action away. Forget about circumstances,create opportunities.

If you are a bibliophile,i recommend this book-'The Game Changer' by pepe Minambo. Game changers are people,unlike everyone else, who follow their own set rules to achieve greatness.They break the status quo,follow their paths,believe in themselves and achieve outstanding results in the respective areas.

And to those who have finally found that niche and rose up,my congratulations are in order.
Congratulation for being a game changer
Congratulations for drawing strength from those people who have gone before you e.g your mum,mentor etc
Congratulations for rising beyond your expectations.
You are an outstanding mum with smiles of happy sunshine,arms of everlasting love,touch of sweet roses.

When i was a little girl,something my mum always emphasized to my siblings and me is that its never okay to be mediocre,she always motivated and encouraged us to chase after our dreams and i'm urging you to do the same.
So step out in faith,live life with gusto and decide to become unstoppable today.

Wednesday 25 May 2016




Absolutely,do not let people's opinion distract you-your purpose came way long  before anyone's opinion.



Pregnancy is like a tremendous abdication of control,something growing inside you which would eventually usurp your life.

Whether your pregnancy was meticulously planned,medically coaxed or happened by surprise,one thing is certain-your life will never be the same.

This is because pregnancy will open you to new possibilities,you will understand life much better now that one grew inside you,your baby will make your love stronger,your days shorter,nights longer,bankroll smaller,home happier,clothes shabbier,the past forgotten and the future worth living for.


                                   THIS IS FOR YOU!!

Tuesday 24 May 2016



Not a single person on earth is always good and never sins.A lot of times we beat ourselves up because we just cant seem to seem to get it all together.

Some people will tell you that your life ended when you had your baby,truth is, your life has just begun.And you're lucky you had to start experiencing life at a young age.

Your child will not take away from your future,your child will give you a new one.Being a mother is not about what you gave up to have a child but what you gained from one.

Motherhood is not a hobby,it is a calling.It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in.It is what GOD gave you time for.
Being a young parent means you met your angel a little early and as such you will get to love her/him a little longer.

Your baby/babies will know you in a way no one ever has,they will open you to things you never knew existed.
They will drive you to insanity and push you to your depths.They are the beat of your heart,the pulse of your veins and the energy in your soul.

You probably don't know that it is possible to grow through motherhood,but it is.
There's no way to be a perfect mother but a million ways to be one.
And one of them is securing your future because you can only secure your child's life if you secure yours too.

What are you doing to better yourself this very moment?
You cannot spend your life thinking that you deserve a handout or sympathy.You have to get up and start thriving towards your goal.No one ever stumbled upon something great while still sited,lying ,wallowing or having themselves a pity party.YOU HAVE GOT TO MOVE!
Step out of that zone and don't conform to the molds that many people ascribe to you.

If its that college degree,that high school education you are yet to finish,work on it.It is not going to be easy but it will be worth it in the long run.It is easy to be pleasant when life flows along like a song but the wise man will still hold a smile even though the pendulum of his life seems to oscillate from how things don't work out to what on earth is he supposed to do to things better.SO SMILE!

Therefore take pride in your education and push yourself past people's obvious disgust of your situation,remember the society is also made up of scoundrels,neer'do wells who do nothing but utter infantile comments about you but the good thing is that it defines who they are,not you.

Years from now, you will look back with nothing but tender,heartfelt memories,from that first smile,to her first steps,first day at school etc.A zoetrope of the memories and a palette of their life/lives will run in your mind and you'll have the biggest smile ever.Because you made it!
Is it always easy?heck no! But does that have to do with your age?Absolutely not!

So hang in there and don't let anyone get you down,because in spite of-or maybe it is because of-your young age,you will flourish.Motherhood is a job you were born to do.
You should therefore teach your kid(s) to look to GOD and not man for validation and worth because GOD is the author and finisher of her faith.Help her fear only GOD and not man
And remind her that the mission field f home is a battle ground worth fighting for.

                                                YOU'RE STILL SOMEBODY!


                              IT'S OKAY TO LOVE AGAIN.

It's okay to move on from the past and the person 
that hurt you.

Don't block your happiness because you cant let go 
of the pain.

Sometimes we can be so hung up on a situation that didn't
work out that we end up missing on a potential blessing.


And allow yourself to feel something real again.

Everyone is not out to break your heart.

Everyone is not out to play you for a fool.

Learn from all you have been through.


And then patiently open yourself back to the idea of being in love again.

                         It's okay to love again.

Tuesday 17 May 2016


Gratitude is an emotion expressing appreciation for what one has,it is being thankful,grateful and appreciative regardless of some situations in life that tears us down.

Some events that occur in life lower our self esteem to a point where we cant get back on our feet and feel unworthy.

One thing we need to understand is,in order to move on to the next chapter in life especially if the last one was unpleasant,we need to increase our self esteem.

Self esteem is the attitude towards ourselves and goes hand in hand with how worthy of love we feel.

Develop positive thoughts and emotions,they will increase yourself esteem.

Through certain events in our lives,we may learn some untruths like we are not worthy of love.

Let me tell you that you already are priceless,amazing,excellent and outstanding.

Give you some love and celebrate yourself in every possible way.

Don't dwell on what others say about you,learn to not be in need of people's validation all the time,learn to congratulate yourself.Nobody is happy for you but yourself.

When you feel grateful for the people,situations,events that have challenged you and weren't exactly what you wanted to happen,chances are you will love your life eve more.

With can lift yourself out of fear or depression and see how truly good things are no matter what is going on in your life.

Do not let your circumstances break everything you've worked so hard to be.

Remember you are confined by the walls you build yourself,therefore be grateful and thankful for the situations you went through and survived.,we don't fail but learn.

Push yourself beyond every comfort zone,play your part wholeheartedly,where your strength ends is the place GOD begins.By Him you win.

Monday 16 May 2016

besides being a blogger,i am a poet..i have read and written so many poems.
i came across this poem and it blessed me,i hope it blesses you too.


The darkness breathes in soft cascade
until there peeks a light
along horizon,s misty view
I contrast to the night
with fingertips of reds and goods
the dawn is creeping out and colours hit the earthen stage
as daylight starts to sprout.

I hear a rustle in the trees
Some twittering and more
As nature wakes in tandem with
dawn opening its door,
The suddenly the light cascades
with her regalia dress 
across the land night's blanket lifts 
revealing days finesse.

Across the sky more changes come
unmasking skies of blue
and down below there,s verdant
beneath the melting dew
the subtitles of dawn are shifting like a symphony
the prelude has now moved on to
a dancing rhapsody

A sense of peace pervades the stage
in visible caress
as colour waves with vivid smiles
unbuttoning nights dress
But still the token moon is there
I see her fade away
And watch as nature's boldness flairs
while coming out to play

My eyes have seen a palette of
the many shades of drawn
I watch the stars becoming blind
And know where they have gone.
The fan of dawn has blessed the day
and spread across the sky
with brushstrokes from a feathered tip
I'm left holding a sign.


I have come across several young mums who pain a lot simply because the mere fact that they are mothers while probably still in high school or campus is a negative sight to behold by the society.
Truth be told,the society views this situation from the wrong end of the telescope.

With the rising cases of abortion witnessed across the country,you will agree with me that those that choose to go ahead and give birth despite the fact that their future seems oblique,despite the fact that they know too well that its not going to be easy but are willing to give it a shot,despite the fact that they know too well that they will play several important roles all at the same time,these very brave people take that risk and move on in life one step at a time.

these very brave people are disparaged by the society,the constant vilification,infantile utterances thrown to them by the rogues and neer'do'well if you ask me,defines no one else but those riff-raffs.
One thing the society particularly which spirals into the same hold stereotypical ideas(which in my case only perpetuates the cycle)should know is-much as it is easy to paint a picture of an uneducated,poverty-stricken young mother doomed for a life of misery as if they are emblazoned with a scarlet note symbolizing a lack of education and class,majority of young mothers out there aren't actually uneducated,instead they are balancing college or universities with work and motherhood at the same time BUT SUCCESSFUL!


I know it is painful but use that pain to earn success that will define you.
Don't throw in the towel,fight for  what you believe regardless of your age,class or social-economic class.Take little steps ,look forward and when you feel like you have gone no where/look back-you will see just how far you've come.
And remember,it is easy enough to be pleasant when life flows along like a song,but the man worthwhile is the one who will smile when everything goes dead wrong.